Monday, April 12, 2010

I love Cypress Albums!!

I couldn't be more excited over this weekend to receive the Color Portfolio from Cypress Albums!
Over a year in a half ago, I decided to search around for albums in order to provide for my clients. I had narrowed it down to my top 3 companies, and sent out emails to my sisters and two friends to get their opinion. Basically....Cypress won! ;) It was my absolute favorite and everyone else's too! I never had the chance to see them in person, until Jose Villa's workshop in Italy. When I saw them in person, I was in love even more! After WPPI, I decided to purchase the color portfolio, in order to show these to my clients! I am so excited to be able to have this to show my clients! Thank you Cypress for your amazing work!
Here are a few pictures of what I received:


Gabrielle said...

it's beautiful!

diana said...

Thank you gaby for helping ;)

Closer to Love Photography said...

Good choice Di!
We chose to go with Kiss, although Cypress was so amazing too!

Love, Natalia

diana said...

thank you! im so happy that i told sammy to look into kiss and that you love them! i think it totally fits you guys!
miss you!